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Click to view any legislation titles in pink.
Name of Legislation
Abigail Claesson
Establish a sustainable energy plan to meet the United States of America’s present and future energy needs affordably and effici
Failed in 2nd Chamber
Abigail Hunter
New Mexico Student Athlete Awareness
No action in Senate/House
Addison Hiatt
Impaired and Distracted Driving
No action in Senate/House
Adrianna Alcon
Thanks to American Veterans and Active Duty
No action in Senate/House
Ainsley Burrell
New Mexico Law Enforcement Highway
No action in Senate/House
Alexandria Dennis
Free to Carry
Tabled in Committee
Alexea Hanson
Housing the Homeless
No action in Senate/House
Alexis Hunter
STEM-ing for Higher Education
Failed in Committee
Amanda Hidalgo
Making An Appropriation bill to improve educational goals in the state of New Mexico
No action in Senate/House
Amberlyn Pacheco
Thanks to the American Legion Auxiliary
No action in Senate/House
Anna Davis
Nutrition programs in schools
Failed in Committee
Anna Pounds
Legalized Equality of Alcohol Consumption Act
Failed in Committee
Ansley Battle
Family Engagement Act
Failed in 1st Chamber
Ashleigh Merritt
Higher Pay for Math and Science Educators
No action in Senate/House
Ashley Ward
Longer sentences for rapists and sex offenders
No action in Senate/House
Ava McCombs
Protection of Protected Animals
No action in Senate/House
Brittany Fleming
Vocational Education installed into Primary
No action in Senate/House
Bryanna Torres
Honorary Park for Veterans
No action in Senate/House
Caitlynn Grimes
Three Strikes Law
No action in Senate/House
Casen Collins
New Mexico Fine Arts Education Improvement Act
Passed in 1st Chamber
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