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Monday Updates


Pine City – Day 1 at Girls State – Reporter: Sydney Olivas Today during our city meetings we appointed people to their jobs. We came up with rules for our city. We started working on our flag, seal and our song. We also voted on a mayor and everyone who wanted to run for state or city positions.


Cactus City – Monday at Girls State – Reporter: Giovanna Saucedo Today Cactus City elected their city mayor, Councilwoman, city Clerk, and Treasurer. We learned about the significance of the poppy flower to the Veterans and their families. We also learned about the importance of each fold of the American Flag. The Council appointed the other appointed officials, and held our first official city council meeting.


Cedar City – Monday – Reporter: Unknown Cedar City held its city meetings. We created what Cedar City is actually about in its core. We elected officials and created our ordinances.


Cactus City – Monday – Reporter: Danika Fuselier Everything moved so fast. Early morning, late nights and stressful days. We were given a quick briefing on everything for that day along with the schedule for the next day. I applied for city clerk I had or was recommended to write a speech. I got it done and went to bed on time.

As a city we had a city meeting and did a game to get to know everyone’s name. Then went over rules. Then we decorated the sign as an Olympic torch. Then we walked to the cub for breakfast. After that we broke into our cities and got explained about the city elected officials. Then went to lunch. After that we met as a city then went to dorms.

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