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Session Policies

Please review these American Legion Auxiliary New Mexico Girls State Policies. While at ALA NM Girls State all attendees must abide by these rules.

Respecting Fellow Delegates

As future leaders of our community, delegates are required to show a high degree of respect for all individuals at ALA New Mexico Girls State at all times; this includes volunteers, other delegates, and ENMU staff. If any issues of decorum occur, a conversation will be held between the ALA New Mexico Girls State Director, Girls State delegate, and any other individuals involved to decide on the best course of action for the circumstance.

Fraternization Policy

ALANMG participants are encouraged to develop and maintain professional relationships and friendships, so long as these relationships do not interfere with the effective functioning of the ALANMGS program.  Romantic relationships of any kind are not permitted. Failure to comply with this fraternization policy will result in termination from the program, loss of college credit eligibility, and parent/guardian will be required to pick up their participant at their own expense.


American Legion Auxiliary New Mexico Girls State follows the standard smoking/vaping laws. Anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to smoke/vape at any time while at the ALA NM Girls State session. Anyone found smoking/vaping will immediately be sent home at the cost of the delegate's parents for travel.

Drug/Alcohol Policy

The use, possession, solicitation, or sale of alcohol or narcotics is prohibited during the ALANMGS program. Prescription medication must be disclosed to ALANMGS medical staff at the beginning of session. Marijuana, including medical prescription, is prohibited during session. Failure to comply with this drug/alcohol policy will result in termination from the program, loss of college credit eligibility, and parent/guardian will be required to pick up their participant at their own expense.


Delegates are not permitted to drive while at the ALA NM Girls State session. While we try to provide travel when available we understand some delegates need to drive themselves to Portales. Any delegates that drive themselves to ALA NM Girls State session will be required to turn in their keys at registration on Sunday. Keys will be kept in the ALA NM Girls State office and can be collected on Friday for their return home.

Cell Phone

The use of cell phones during session are limited to accessing the daily agenda, and for speeches during campaigning. Cell phones are not permitted during any meetings in classrooms or auditorium for use other than previously specified. Delegates are permitted to use their phones socially when in the dorms, during meals or recreation time.


  • If a delegate is found using their phone during meetings it will be taken away and kept in the office until the next approved phone use time when the delegate can have it back.

  • If the delegate is found using their phone a second time the phone will be kept for a full 24-hour period.

  • A delegate found using their phone a third time will have their phone taken away for the remainder of the week. The delegate can then collect their phone on Friday before returning home.

Positive Campaigning

While friendly rivalry between parties exists at ALA NM Girls State, negative campaigning against individuals running for office will not be allowed. All campaigns should focus on each individuals positive attributes and qualifications for office. This positive campaigning should also continue through whistle stop interviews and the interactions of each ALA NM Girls State member and their perspective candidates. This includes defacing or removing of campaign material.

Pre Made Campaign Material

Pre Made Campaign Material will not be allowed at ALA NM Girls State. To keep all candidates on an even playing field delegates can only create campaign materials onsite during the ALA NM Girls State session. Printed pictures are considered pre made campaign material. Delegates are welcome to bring poster board, markers, tape, and other sign making items to create campaign materials on site. Creative materials such as chalk on sidewalks are allowed for campaigning but at no time should these items be destructive to the ENMU facilities or any other candidate's campaign material. All campaign material must be cleaned immediately following the election results announcements, this includes chalk on sidewalks, posted signs, etc.

Electronic Campaigning

Delegates are welcome and encouraged to get creative and utilize electronic means of campaigning such as social media. All electronic campaigning must be created during session. Printing of any graphics created is not permitted.

Campaign Material

Delegates are welcome to bring poster board, markers, tape, and other sign making items to create campaign materials on site. Creative materials such as chalk on sidewalks are allowed for campaigning but at no time should these items be destructive to the ENMU facilities or any other candidate's campaign material. All campaign material must be cleaned immediately following the election results announcements, this includes chalk on sidewalks, posted signs, etc.

Banned Materials:
  • Glitter

  • Pre Printed/Pre Made Items

  • Photos

  • Candy (as a campaign tool)

Suggested Materials:
  • Poster Board

  • Construction Paper

  • Markers

  • Tape

Cell Phone
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