2017 Session
Hosted at:
ENMU (Portales)

City Election Results
Lincoln County
Cedar City

Mayor Julia Flores
Chief City Councilwoman Ainsley Burrell
City Councilwoman Dalilah Salazar
City Councilwoman Sheylese Tsabetsaye
City Councilwoman Ava McCombs
City Clerk Casen Collins
City Treasurer Zoe Perls
Municipal Judge Olivia Juedeman
City Attorney Brittany Fleming
Fire Chief Maracea Chase
Police Chief Kristina Ellis
Police Officer Alicia Arias
Police Officer Estrella Gonzalez
Sanitary Engineer Mariah Garza
Building Inspector Perla Anchondo
Health & Recreation Officer Abigail Claesson
Sergeant-At-Arms Sheila Cordova
Animal Control Officer Jessica Stanton
Manager Chamber of Commerce Ashleigh Merritt
Spruce City

Mayor Molly Statczar
Chief City Councilwoman Karina Gonzalez
City Councilwoman Isabel Gutierrez
City Councilwoman Kwetzpallin Mexika
City Councilwoman Zoe Lum
City Clerk Addison Hiatt
City Treasurer Sara Vianco
Municipal Judge Mackenzie Sherwood
City Attorney Jordan Ortega
Police Chief Crystal Littlefield
Police Officer Rebecca Chase
City Reporter LeAnna Walters
City Photographer Emilee Solomon
Sergeant-At-Arms Alexea Hanson
Madam Ra-Ra Gabriella Tafoya
Election Official Jordan Ortega
Election Official Karina Gonzalez
Election Official Michaelle Sutton
Election Official Kwetzpallin Mexika
Washington County
Cactus City

Mayor Dominica Chavez
Chief City Councilwoman Mattilyn Wiseman
City Councilwoman Ansley Battle
City Councilwoman Karina Bayardo
City Councilwoman Halle Medina
City Clerk Trisha Bolinger
City Treasurer Danika Fuselier
Municipal Judge Maria Wright
City Attorney Abigail Hunter
Fire Chief Charlee Edwards
Police Chief Alexandria Dennis
Police Officer Reanne Cabeen
Police Officer Shannon Miller
City Reporter Morgan McHose
Sanitary Engineer Maribella Duran
Building Engineer Jillian Jughes
Building Inspector Anna Pounds
Health & Recreation Officer Elke Peterson
Sergeant-At-Arms Giovanna Saucedo
Animal Control Officer Morgan McHose
Manager Chamber of Commerce Luzia Manuel
Election Official Luzia Manuel
Election Official Reanne Cabeen
Election Official Shannon Miller
Election Official Morgan McHose
Pine City

Mayor Lindsay Mitchell
Chief City Councilwoman McKensi Spears
City Councilwoman Gabriela Garcia
City Councilwoman Emille-Marie Enriquez
City Councilwoman Amanda Hidalgo
City Clerk Madison Varnier
City Treasurer Tiffany Fragua
Municipal Judge Diana Garcia
City Attorney Karrington Pryor
Fire Chief Amberlyn Pacheco
Police Chief Anna Davis
Police Officer Kristin Guin
Police Officer Gemma Chavarria
City Reporter Sydney Olivas
Sanitary Engineer Cadilina Roer
Building Inspector Caitlynn Grimes
Health & Recreation Officer Sydney Olivas
Sergeant-At-Arms Corde Mailman
Animal Control Officer Adrianna Alcon
Manager Chamber of Commerce Alexis Hunter
Election Official Karrington Pryor
Election Official Emille-Marie Enriquez
Election Official McKensi Spears
Election Official Tiffany Fragua
County Election Results
Lincoln County

District Judge Zoe Lum
District Attorney Olivia Juedeman
Member State Board of Education Kwetzpallin Mexika
County Commissioner Sheylese Tsabetsaye
County Clerk Jessica Stanton
County Treasurer Estrella Gonzalez
County Sheriff Alicia Arias
State Senator
Ashleigh Merritt
Abigail Claesson
Ava McCombs
Dalilah Salazar
State Representative
Perla Anchondo
Karina Gonzalez
Michaelle Sutton
Addison Hiatt
Sara Vianco
Lincoln County Nationalist Appointments
Not recorded
Lincoln County Federalist Appointments
County Convention Chairman
Zoe Perls
County Convention Clerk
Michaelle Sutton
County Convention Treasurer
LeAnna Walters
Washington County

District Judge Karina Bayardo
District Attorney Trisha Bolinger
Member State Board of Education Luzia Manuel
County Commissioner Giovanna Saucedo
County Clerk Karrington Pryor
County Treasurer Anna Pounds
County Sheriff Anna Davis
State Senator
Caitlynn Grimes
Sydney Olivas
McKensi Spears
Tiffany Fragua
Morgan McHose
Caudilina Roer
Maribella Duran
Ansley Battle
State Representative
Amberlyn Pacheco
Adrianna Alcon
Amanda Hidalgo
Elke Peterson
Halle Medina
Washington County Nationalist Appointments
Not recorded
Washington County Federalist Appointments
Not recorded
Senate Appointments
Chaplain Alexandria Dennis
Below appointments not recorded
Chief Clerk
Assistant Clerk
Enrolling Clerk
Enrolling Clerk
Reading Clerk
Reading Clerk
Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms
House of Representatives Appointments
Chaplain Lindsay Mitchell
Below appointments not recorded
Speaker of the House
Chief Clerk
Assistant Clerk
Enrolling Clerk
Enrolling Clerk
Reading Clerk
Reading Clerk
Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms
District Courts
Assistant District Attorney Mackenzie Sherwood
Defense Attorney Gabriella Tafoya
Defense Attorney Kristin Guin
Assistant Defense Attorney Casen Collins
Defendant Abigail Hunter
Court Reporter Lindsay Mitchell
Jury Crystal Littlefield
Jury Corde Mailman
Jury Alexis Hunter
Jury Ashley Ward
Jury Molly Statczar
Witness Emilee Solomon
Witness Alexea Hanson
Witness Gabriela Garcia
State Election Results

Governor Dominica Chavez (N)

State Treasurer
Madison Varnier (N)

Lt. Governor Isabel Gutierrez (N)

Attorney General
Kristina Ellis (N)

Secretary of State
Mattilyn Wiseman (F)

State Auditor
Ainsley Burrell (F)

Justices of the Supreme Court
Chief Justice Julia Flores (N)
Emille-Marie Enriquez (N), Diana Garcia (F),
LeAnna Walters (F), Maria Wright (N)
Governor's Cabinet and Board Appointments
Chief of Staff, Governor’s Office Trisha Bolinger
Secretary of African American Affairs Kristin Guin
Secretary of Aging and Long-Term Services Lindsay Mitchell
Secretary of Agriculture Abigail Hunter
Secretary of Children, Youth & Families Ashley Ward
Secretary of Corrections Zoe Perls
Secretary of Cultural Affairs Luzia Manuel
Secretary of Economic Development Gabriela Garcia
Secretary of Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Adrianna Alcon
Secretary of the Environment Ava McCombs
Secretary of Finance & Administration McKensi Spears
Secretary of General Services Sydney Olivas
Secretary of Health Estrella Gonzalez
Secretary of Higher Education Perla Anchondo
Secretary of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Sheylese Tsabetsaye
Secretary of Human Services Casen Collins
Secretary of Native American Affairs Maracea Chase
Secretary of Information Technology Jessica Stanton
Secretary of Public Education Brittany Fleming
Secretary of Public Safety Sheila Cordova
Secretary of Taxation & Revenue Molly Statczar
Secretary of Tourism Caitlynn Grimes
Secretary of Transportation Amanda Hidalgo
Secretary of Veteran Affairs Mariah Garza
Secretary of Work Force Solutions Abigail Claesson
Acequia Commission Karina Bayardo
Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists Gabriella Tafoya
Board of Examiners for Architects Jillian Hughes
Board of Regents for ENMU Bryanna Torres
Board of Regents for New Mexico Highlands University Zoe Lum
Board of Regents for NM Institute of Mining and Technology Halle Medina
Board of Veterinary Medicine Morgan McHose
Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee Maribella Duran
Commission for the Blind Danika Fuselier
Commission for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons Sara Vianco
Commission fo Indian Affairs Anna Pounds
Community Development Council Crystal Littlefield
Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission Karina Gonzalez
Dept of Military Affairs Corde Mailman
Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Alexandria Dennis
E-911 State Coordination Committee Michaelle Sutton
Early Childhood Education and Care Council Gemma Chavarria
Economic Development Commission Emilee Solomon
Education Trust Board Olivia Juedeman
Emergency Medical Services Task Force Emily Cherry
Environmental Improvement Board Caudilina Roer
Four Corners Heritage Council Mackenzie Sherwood
Governor's Commission of Disability Charlee Edwards
Governor's Council on Film and Media Industries Kwetzpallin Mexika
Historical Records Advisory Board Karrington Pryor
Information Technology Commission Giovanna Saucedo
Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission Anna Davis
Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee Reanne Cabeen
Juvenile Public Safety Advisory Board Ashleigh Merritt
Livestock Board Alexis Hunter
NM Arts Commission Ansley Battle
NM Athletic Commission Jordan Ortega
NM Human Rights Commission Elke Peterson
NM Lottery Authority Alicia Arias
NM State Drought Task Force Shannon Miller
NM State Library Commission Dalilah Salazar
Office of County Floor Commissioner Tiffany Fragua
State Board of Finance Addison Hiatt
State Commission for Community Volunteerism Alexea Hanson
State Early Learning Advisory Council McKensi Spears
State Emergency Response Commission Amberlyn Pacheco
State Game Commission Rebecca Chase
Nationalist Party Appointments
Not recorded
Federalist Party Appointments
Convention Chairman Abigail Hunter
Convention Clerk Michaelle Sutton
​Convention Treasurer Sara Vianco
Keynote Speaker Mattilyn Wiseman
(F) = Federalist Party, (N) = Nationalist Party
Other Awards and Recognitions
Outstanding Citizens

Cedar City
Abigail Claesson

Spruce City
Crystal Littlefield

Cactus City
Morgan McHose

Pine City
Gabriela Garcia
Outstanding City

Pine City
Adrianna Alcon, Alexis Hunter, Amanda Hidalgo, Amberlyn Pacheco, Anna Davis, Caitlynn Grimes, Caudilina Roer, Corde Mailman, Diana Garcia, Emille-Marie Enriquez, Gabriela Garcia, Gemma Chavarria, Karrington Pryor, Kristin Guin, Lindsay Mitchell, Madison Varnier, McKensi Spears, Sydney Olivas, Tiffany Fragua
Government Counselor Kayleigh Wood, Senior Counselor Tamara James
Junior Counselor Taylor Torres, Junior Counselor Heana Reed
American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation

Senior Senator
Julia Flores

Junior Senator
Molly Statczar

1st Alternate
Emille-Marie Enriquez

2nd Alternate
Halle Medina

Samsung Scholarship
Maria Wright

ENMU Founder's Board Book Scholarship
Dominica Chavez

ENMU Founder's Board Book Scholarship
Kristin Guin
Art Cover Contest
Flag Honor Guard

Alexis Hunter, Corde Mailman, Jillian Hughes, Julia Flores, Karina Bayardo, Madison Varnier, Maribella Duran, Michaelle Sutton, Molly Statczar, Zoe Lum, Zoe Perls
Led by Advisor Heana Reed
Choir Ensemble Participants
Alexandria Dennis, Alexis Hunter, Corde Mailman, Danika Fuselier, Giovanna Saucedo, Julia Flores, LeAnna Walters, Michaelle Sutton, Perla Anchondo, Zoe Perls
Led by Choir Director Imogene Jones
Talent Show Participants
Alexandria Dennis, Alexis Hunter, Ashley Ward, Casen Collins, Corde Mailman, Gabriela Garcia, Gabriella Tafoya, Giovanna Saucedo, Julia Flores, Kristina Ellis, LeAnna Walters, Lindsay Mitchell, Madison Varnier, Maracea Chase, Mariah Garza
MC'd by JCs Paige Torre and Genevieve Romero
Organized by JC Dana Thalmann
Staff Members

Cactus - GC Maison Haines, SC Cyndi Wipf, JC Dana Thalmann, JC Tori DuPriest
Cedar - GC Maureen Harrop, SC Patricia Torres, JC Paige Torres, JC Genevieve Romero
Pine - GC Kayleigh Wood, SC Tamara James, JC Taylor Torres, JC Heana Reed
Spruce - GC Hannah Thornton, SC Gwen Miller, JC Amelia Zoernig, JC Ivori Johnson
Ancillary Staff - Dir Alisha Jones, Asst Dir Amber Fitzgerald, Office Loreen Jorgensen, Cathy King
Canteen - Cathy Fitzgerald
Nurse Jean Gomez
Activities Staff - Imogene Jones, Victoria Benavidez, Mara Michaels
Media - Mickeyla Wyckoff, Kelsi Blake